Monday, October 8, 2012

Making Sweet Pork Tamales
 Got the husks soaked over night and ready to make the masa!
 Adding in the chicken broth and mixing by hand
 Slowly adding in the mateca (pork lard)
 Finished product!!! the masa that is!

 Steamed them for 2 hours

My contribution for Fiesta Night!

So I have three Mexican friends that were talking me down for the past month telling me that tamales are suuper hard to make... I say not! These were suuper easy to make and very delicious! Throughout my cooking career I think my main objective is to find new ways to make delicious dishes that take a long time and do it in a shorter amount of time with the same results. I feel I have been blessed with a talent of cooking and I am ever so grateful to be able to share that with my family and friends! Thank you all for the compliments and the constructive criticism over the years that has allowed me to continue to perfect what I cook today!